
Loving to learn; Learning to love like Jesus.


At St Monica's our mission statement inspires and guides us in our approach to our curriculum, our additional enrichment, our behaviour policy and how we work together with all stakeholders.  Learning about the teachings of Jesus in the Gospels supports the moral and spritual development of our pupils.  We recognise that every person has their own strengths and talents, and so our curriculum is designed to provide a wide range of enriching opportunities for learning.  Each term we hold a Mission Day, where we delve further into our understanding of our mission and how we are living it through the lens of a focus, like thanksgiving and character strengths. 


The aims of the school are summed up in our acrostic prayer: 


                                                                              Share and love one another 

                                                                              Together work to be like Jesus 

                                                                              Make people smile 

                                                                              Only teamwork can make dreams happen 

                                                                              Never stop trying 

                                                                              Include everyone in all we do  

                                                                              Care for others around the world  

                                                                              Aim to be the best we can be 


The staff, governors, parents and children of the school pledge to promote the Mission of the school through our actions and prayers. 


In Autumn 2023, Year 5&6 children worked with the Headteacher, Mrs Pearson, to write a school prayer which is now said every morning in all classes:


As we gather here today,

Keep us safe in every way.

Let love of learning fill our mind,

Our hearts and hands be always kind.

Courage, hope, faith and joy we value

Working together to be more like you.

Help and guide us to make good choices,

And may we speak your word with true brave voices.  



Autumn 2023 Mission Day - Harvest Thanksgiving

Our theme in the Autumn term was Harvest and Thanksgiving, and the children spent the day exploring why the harvest is important, people who help get crops from the ground to food on our tables, things we are grateful for in our world. Following our mission line of 'learning to love like Jesus', all the children listened to stories Jesus told which are linked with this theme, and our older pupils examined pieces of scripture which help us to understand the Kingdom of God. All round it was an energy filled day full of reflection, and we ended it with a lovely prayer assembly pulling all the children's work and our thoughts together. We were joined by some parents and grandparents for this which was lovely.


Spring 2024 Mission Day - Jesus and His followers - Character strengths

Across school the children participated in learning activities focused on Jesus and His followers, and considered what character strengths it takes to be a follower of Jesus.

Each Year group also spent time on an individual focus -

Reception began with Jesus himself, and learnt about how we are called to follow in his footsteps, and what that means.

Year 1& 2 focused on Jesus calling the fishermen Peter, James and John. They thought about the character strengths that the fishermen would have and the reasons Jesus chose them. They thought about how Jesus called them (and us) to be "fishers of men".

Year 3 looked at the disciple Thomas, and considered what it means to believe without seeing something - to have faith.

Year 4 focused on two important figures in Jesus' life, Mary and Martha (the sisters of Lazarus). Although the sisters may not have left their home to follow Jesus from town to town as the men did, the class considered what the scriptures tell us about their faith and love for Jesus.

Year 5 looked carefully at the calling of Matthew, who was a tax collector and not well loved by his community due to his dishonest ways. They considered what Jesus' calling of such a man meant about Jesus - how he sees in us our true selves, and calls us back to the right path, through forgiveness.

Year 6 had very thought-provoking discussions about Judas, and used the scriptures in the Bible to help them to decide, was Judas a 'villain', or is that an unfair picture that we have of him.

The afternoon assembly began with the celebration of the word, listening to the story of Jesus calling the disciples, and then it was over to the classes to show and share their learning from the day. I have to say, it was the best Mission Day assembly we have had so far, and the learning that went on across school on Mission Day was phenomenal! It was lovely to have some parents able to join us for our celebration assembly, and join us in prayer at the end. 


Loving to learn,
learning to love like Jesus

About Our School

St Monica's Catholic Primary School
We would love to welcome you to our friendly school, we are situated in the heart of Appleton, and have great transport links to Stockton Heath and Grappenhall.

Where Are We

St Monica's Catholic Primary School St Monica's Close, Appleton, Warrington, WA4 3AW

Let's Connect

Mrs N Rylance/Miss L Ruth
School Administration