Sacramental Preparation

At St Monica's, pupils in Year 3 can enrol onto the First Eucharist Sacramental programme, and pupils in Year 4 on the First Reconciliation programme.

For both Sacraments, pupils are prepared in school time by their class teachers through a programme of lessons, prayer reflection sessions, along with attendance and participation at Sunday parish Masses.

All pupils are invited to work together in these sessions in the learning about and the reflection on the meaning of these Sacraments.

In the Summer term, both classes take part in a Sacramental Retreat Day, where they explore the meaning of the Sacraments through drama, dance, music and prayer.



What is a Sacrament, and how can I explain it to children?

The Sacraments are actions of God through which He shows us the love He has for us, His sons and daughters. All of the sacraments have been created (instituted) by Him, and that’s why it’s Jesus who performs them through different means.

Why did He give the sacraments to us? To give us grace. That is to say, to give us, along with His love, the necessary strength to fight against and through the difficulties of life. 


Sacrament of the Eucharist

Every day, Jesus turns bread and wine into His Body and Blood during the Holy Mass. This happens at the moment called the Consecration. This way we can eat and receive Him in our soul.

Jesus instituted this Sacrament during the Last Supper with the twelve apostles. This sacrament has a bonus: it forgives venial sins and fortifies us against committing mortal ones in the future. It’s Jesus Himself who is within us.


Sacrament of Reconciliation

This Sacrament is a great gift from God! God forgives every action and sin of ours that has offended Him when we go to Reconciliation, or Confession, and ask for His mercy and forgiveness.

We must be truly sorry for the bad choices we’ve made and the good we’ve left undone. The Sacrament of Reconciliation gives us a tremendous peace and increases our strength to be good Christians, good sons and daughters of God.


Loving to learn,
learning to love like Jesus

About Our School

St Monica's Catholic Primary School
We would love to welcome you to our friendly school, we are situated in the heart of Appleton, and have great transport links to Stockton Heath and Grappenhall.

Where Are We

St Monica's Catholic Primary School St Monica's Close, Appleton, Warrington, WA4 3AW

Let's Connect

Miss L Ruth/Mrs N Crampton
School Administration