PSRHE (Personal, Social, Relationships, Health & Economic ) Education

Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education focusses on helping children and young people develop fully as individuals and as members of families and social and economic communities. Its goal is to equip young people with the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live healthily, safely, productively and responsibly.
At St. Monica’s the PSHE Curriculum is taught alongside the statutory Relationships, Health and Sex Education curriculum in which children learn about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up and having relationships in an age appropriate way.
As a primary school, we have opted not to teach the Sex education elements of the RHSE curriculum, which are not statutory for primary schools.
We combine these two areas into the name PSRHE education.
At St. Monica’s, the Mission Statement is ‘Loving to learn; Learning to love like Jesus’. We aim to enable all children to reach their full potential through a love of learning. We believe that through the activities we offer children, they can develop their knowledge and understanding around aspects of their personal, social, health, relationship and economic experiences, and in tandem with this develop their self-esteem, positive mental health practices, understanding of themselves within the world and their responsibilities as Christians through the Catholic Social Teaching principles.
At St Monica's, we use a scheme called "Life to the Full - Plus" which is a Diocese of Shrewsbury approved scheme of work for teaching both the statutory RHE curriculum and the PSHE curriculum objectives for all year groups. Life to the Full - Plus, produced by Ten Ten Resources, provides a programme of lesson resources and teacher training materials to support and increase the level of competence required to teach the subject of RSHE/RSE within a Catholic (or Christian-faith) context. Their aim is to provide a programme of resources that not only meets the statutory (legal) requirements in England and Wales, but also supports the teaching from a Catholic faith and moral perspective. For more information please see the Life to the Full - Parent Communication Policy file.