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PE Curriculum Statement

The PE curriculum at St Monica’s is designed with the ‘Characteristics of Effective Learning’ at its heart. Our teachers and PE coaches encourage the pupils to reflect on their own performances and development of skills. As part of their reflection, each class uses a PE Book in which they are encouraged to annotate successful parts of their learning, and key criteria to use in future performances. Through their annotations, pupils also identify the key skills in professional performance to ensure that they can clearly identify how the taught skills can be used in competitive sport.

For all pupils, we encourage their participation in both Level 1 and Level 2 competition. Pupils in Year 4 compete in the Bridgewater Cluster Swimming Gala, and all Key Stage 2
pupils participate in the annual St Monica’s Swimming Gala. In order to promote pupil engagement and organisation of Level 1 sports competition, we have established a ‘Sports Crew’. The idea of the Sports Crew is to plan, organise and run Level 1 competition for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 classes. The Sports Crew develop their leadership potential, skills of organisation, ability to compromise; and promoting their events across the school.

We have continued to develop and strengthen our links with local sports’ clubs: Cheshire Phoenix Basketball team, Warrington Wolves Rugby club, and Cheshire Cricket Club. We aim to increase pupils’ participation in clubs / activities outside of school in order to promote sustainable healthy living. 

Everyday, our pupils take part in the 'Golden Mile'. The aim for our pupils is to complete a mile in under 10 minutes - we encourage staff to take on this challenge too!



What do children wear for PE lessons?

Plain white tshirt, black shorts, suitable trainers. For wet and cold days, pupils may also wear black jogging bottoms and a black jumper/hoodie. The PE kit should not be branded. 

What are the local clubs that my child can join?

We have close links to many local sports' clubs, including: 

Appleton Cricket Club

Appleton Junior Football Club

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Loving to learn,
learning to love like Jesus

About Our School

St Monica's Catholic Primary School
We would love to welcome you to our friendly school, we are situated in the heart of Appleton, and have great transport links to Stockton Heath and Grappenhall.

Where Are We

St Monica's Catholic Primary School St Monica's Close, Appleton, Warrington, WA4 3AW

Let's Connect

Miss L Ruth/Mrs N Crampton
School Administration